ULTRA rare Nintendo Game & Watch???!!
Posted by Gamest Geek

Recently, an ULTRA rare Nintendo Game & Watch had surfaced in Japan Yahoo Auctions. Florent Gorges, author of the “History of Nintendo” series book, discussed if the Game & Watch is fake or original in his video (comes with English subtitles) at https://youtu.be/vT3EP1M4hPQ. It came in a regular retail Donkey Kong box, but its top plate had an illustration of three men (Gunpei Yokoi, K. Momose and T. Ishida), along with a commemorative note “Anniversary Marking 20,000,000 Pieces Game & Watch Sold, December 1982”.
After doing some digging and research, he found out that Momose was the director of the factory that produced the aluminium plates found on every Game & Watch, while Ishida was an employee of that factory who was Nintendo’s direct contact. Florent also gave various explanations throughout the video (eg. Lack of serial number is aligned with rare/not for sale commemorative releases), and his final conclusion is that it’s an original piece, and that it’s extremely rare too.
Unfortunately, he did not manage to win the bid, as the maximum bid that he was allowed to bid in his japan yahoo account was 1,000,000 yen, but somehow the winning bidder managed to bid it at 1,001,000 yen.
Reference: Watch the YouTube video by Florent Gorges here.
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